This program is designed to give the participants the necessary foundation and analytical skills needed to understand the practical problems that arise in assessing and managing liquidity risk in banks. The course is designed to expose participants to practical management concepts and give them the tools needed to conduct sources and uses of funds analysis and liquidity risk management. Actual applications of these tools will be reviewed and discussed.
The course begins with a description of the various ways that firms’ measure liquidity, including commonly used financial ratios. The second section evaluates the way that firms raise funds, both in the short-term money markets and the long-term capital markets. The third section assesses some common approaches to maintaining liquid investments to balance liquidity against desirable return targets. The next sections look at liquidity management at banks, which are major providers of liquidity to many firms, as well as asset managers. The course closes with best practices in developing and implementing a Liquidity Contingency Plan (LCP).
There will be a strong emphasis on hands-on analysis and group discussion.
Course Objectives
By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
- Define the two major types of liquidity risk and measure them
- Identify appropriate sources of funds for a variety of institutions
- Interpret the appropriate funding for business decisions that use funds
- Assess measures of the availability or scarcity of liquidity
- Develop a framework for a liquidity contingency plan (LCP)
Suggested Prerequisites: None
Program Level: Foundational
Advance Preparation: None
Computers and Financial Calculators: N/A
Recommended CPE Credits: 7